Indications for use
For women:
• Hypofunction of ovaries;
• Amenorrhea (primary, secondary),
• Oligomenorrhoea,
• Dysfunctional metrorrhagia - for the purpose of hemostasis;
• Infertility due to anovulation;
• After the operation of dissection of intrauterine synechia in patients with uterine form of amenorrhea;
• Menopause syndrome in the period of premenopause or menopause;
• Gonadal dysgenesis and delay in puberty (sexual infantilism);
• Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome;
• Uterine bleeding.
In men:
• Prostatitis;
• Adenomas of the prostate gland.
In veterinary medicine:
• To increase egg production in hens.
• For prevention of fissility in sheep and cattle.
Pharmacological properties
In women, it is an estrogenic remedy. It has an estrogenic effect, eliminating common disorders that result from a deficiency in ovarian function. This drug stimulates the proliferation of the vaginal mucosa and endometrium of the uterus, the processes of ovulation and the formation of secondary female sexual characteristics in their underdevelopment, activates the processes of synthesis and secretion of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones in the pituitary gland, improves the general condition of a woman in the menopause. This drug is used for ovarian failure (amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, etc.), menstrual irregularities, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, miscarriage, infertility of the endocrine genesis, in preparation for childbirth and with their pathological course, with a delay in sexual development in adolescents. The low toxicity of preparation and mild therapeutic effect make it possible to use it for a long time in combination with progestogens as a replacement therapy for many gynecological diseases.
Strengthens the proliferation of the mucous membrane of the vagina and the endometrium of the uterus, stimulates the development of the uterus and secondary female sexual characteristics in their underdevelopment, eliminates common disorders that result from a lack of function of the sexual glands. Activates the synthesis of LH and FSH in the process of ovulation.
In men - antiandrogenic remedy. It acts selectively on male genitalia, reduces the mass of androgen-dependent organs (prostate gland, seminal vesicles, testicles), inhibits testosterone secretion, facilitates difficulty urinating, reduces the frequency of urination, also has immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory action. It does not have irritating, allergenic, immunotoxic and mutagenic effects. When administered orally, the Ferula extract is finely divided and has a pronounced antiprostatic effect. By antiprostatic activity, it exceeds Sinestrol, Prostamol-uno. The extract has no significant effect on the central nervous system, systemic arthritic pressure and respiration. On the parameters of acute toxicity refers to the category of low-toxic substances.
In veterinary medicine
Under the influence of the Ferula extract, the sexual maturation of chickens is accelerated (the mass of oviducts and scallops increases). Ferula extract accelerates the beginning of oviposition, increases the average percentage of egg production (by 18%). The feed costs for 10 eggs under the influence of Ferula extract are lowered by 20.3%.
And also, the ferula extract is used to prevent fissility in sheep and cattle. The organization of work on the prevention of cows and heifers in the household is primarily composed of identifying the reasons that cause reproductive disorders, eliminating these reasons and carrying out measures for the treatment of infertile animals and restoring their sexual functions.
Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Yunusabad district, block 19,
building 4/5
+998 90 3586335
+998 97 1568884